Section 5.7 #71
Maple Graphs and Calculations
> | with(plots): |
Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined
> | plot(arcsin(x),x=0..1,filled=true); |
> | Int(arcsin(x),x=0..1); |
Maple is smart enough to be able to compute this exactly.
> | int(arcsin(x),x=0..1); |
Note that y = arcsin(x) means that x = sin(y).
> | implicitplot(x=sin(y),x=0..1,y=0..Pi/2,thickness=3); |
We can observe that the area of the region pictured above would be the area of a rectangle whose dimensions are
by 1 minus the area of the region pictured below.
> | plot(sin(x),x=0..Pi/2,filled=true); |
In the picture constructed below I graphed the rectangular area in blue and graphed the sine area over it in red (the default color).
> | RectangleArea:=plot(1,x=0..Pi/2,color=blue,filled=true): |
> | SineArea:=plot(sin(x),x=0..Pi/2,filled=true): |
> | display(SineArea,RectangleArea); |
Thus we get the result below which would involve "easy" integration.
> | Int(arcsin(x),x=0..1) = Pi/2 - Int(sin(x),x=0..Pi/2); |
> | Pi/2-int(sin(x),x=0..Pi/2); |
> |